From our Board President
A MILLION PIECE PUZZLE – that is a good picture of the work of peacemaking. No one person can achieve peace by themselves. No one organization or congregation has all the answers to end gun violence on our streets. We all are needed. We all have a piece of the puzzle to create peace on our streets and around the world. We all must get out of our silos, stretch out our hands and resources to end gun violence.
We are called to be PARTNERS IN PEACE.
As I work on this Annual Report, I am humbled by how many partners we have in peacemaking . Though our board is small – and mighty like a mustard seed – we have formed partnerships with individuals and organizations with a passion for peace: The Community Vaccine Collaborative who helped us host a thousand dose vaccine clinic, the Jewish Community Center who brought enthusiastic volunteers to the clinic, Wilkinsburg Youth Project which has kept us in contact with youth through this Covid crisis, Mad Dads and our community chaplains who take to the streets for prayer and action when violence breaks our hearts, the Wilkinsburg Police Department who assists us in the gun buy back, the Center for Civic Arts which has hired our summer young adult interns, Community Forge and the youth of the Learn and Earn program who have formatted this annual report. But that is only a partial list. Keep on reading this report, for there are many more partners in peace who have joined hearts, energy and resources to work for peace TOGETHER with us.
So thank you PARTNERS IN PEACE. Thank you for being a part of the great puzzle of how to end gun violence and create opportunity for the youth and young adults of Wilkinsburg. Working with you has been my honor and my joy. Your passion is contagious. Your commitment as volunteers is humbling. Never forget that the greatest gift we give to our community and youth is HOPE. Without hope, nothing changes. With hope and our faith in a God of new life and love, justice and peace, “all things are possible.” Keep HOPE at the center of your heart and your work for peace. Hope is the puzzle piece at the center of our struggle for peace. Hope is the game changer.
Pastor Janet Hellner-Burris
President of the Board and Community Chaplain
WSPP: Wilkinsburg Sanctuary Project for Peace