Thanks to our amazing partnership with the Community Vaccine Collaborative, we were able to offer a thousand dose vaccine clinic for our community. Hosanna House donated their space and staff, UPMC brought the Moderna Vaccine and staff, and we brought the people. For weeks ahead of time, we recruited participants from congregations, Wilkinsburg Community Ministry, St. James Social Services, Hosanna House’s medical clinic, Wilkinsburg Family Support Center, the boro council as well as through other social service agencies in Wilkinsburg. We nearly reached our goal of a thousand shots of hope with 970 participating in the first clinic, and 890 participating in the second dose clinic. Many of our enthusiastic volunteers came from the Center for Loving Kindness at the Jewish Community Center. St. James social services supplied a van to pick up residents around Wilkinsburg and surrounding communities. The spirit was high and everyone felt blessed by this experience.