Wilkinsburg Sanctuary Project for Peace


Upcoming Events

Just a few of the upcoming events to look forward to!

Our annual Martin Luther King Jr Prayer Vigil will be held in January 2022

Our annual Gun Buy Back will be held in fall/winter of 2021

The Art and Talent Show for Peace will be held in Spring of 2022

Prayer Motorcase for Healing and Peace

Shortly after the murder of George Floyd, we created a prayer motorcade to drive through our community to pray for peace and healing – both of racism and Covid 19. Over 70 people joined us in a long procession of cars as we stopped at six different locations to pray for healing and peace.  

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

Thanks to our amazing partnership with the Community Vaccine Collaborative, we were able to offer a thousand dose vaccine clinic for our community. Hosanna House donated their space and staff, UPMC brought the Moderna Vaccine and staff, and we brought the people. For weeks ahead of time, we recruited participants from congregations, Wilkinsburg Community Ministry, St. James Social Services, Hosanna House’s medical clinic, Wilkinsburg Family Support Center, the boro council as well as through other social service agencies in Wilkinsburg. We nearly reached our goal of a thousand shots of hope with 970 participating in the first clinic, and 890 participating in the second dose clinic. Many of our enthusiastic volunteers came from the Center for Loving Kindness at the Jewish Community Center. St. James social services supplied a van to pick up residents around Wilkinsburg and surrounding communities. The spirit was high and everyone felt blessed by this experience. 

A Project CommUNITY Town Hall, Parkland to Pittsburgh: Stronger Together

We were honored that Pastor Janet Hellner-Buris was able to participate in this town hall meeting.

To watch the town hall meeting, please CLICK HERE. Fore more coverage from WTAE please CLICK HERE.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Prayer Vigil for Peace

For many years we have gathered Christians, Jews and Muslims for our annual Dr. Martin Luther King Day Prayer Vigil. In 2020, we had the largest crowd ever gathered including a Hindu dance troupe.

Then in 2021, due to Covid, we took to our cars in a prayer motorcade as we stopped at six different locations to hear from a community leader and to pray for peace. Folks from the Jewish Community Center and from as far away as Greensburg joined us to help bring healing to our community.

Wilkinsburg Sanctuary Project Dedicated to Ending Youth Violence

On a stormy Thursday in Wilkinsburg, Janet Hellner-Burris stepped out of the rain on Wallace Avenue and into the doors of the Christian Church of Wilkinsburg, where she's served as a pastor since 1990. 

Once inside, Hellner-Burris began climbing the staircase, gesturing upwards a flight to an open door that leads into a small gymnasium with a hardwood floor. For more, visit here.

You Can Go Through Horrible Things, But You Can Shine, Too: Wilkinsburg One Year Later 

Franklin Avenue in Wilkinsburg is a mostly uneventful place these days.

“It’s been quiet,” said Jackie Pendleton, who’s lived in the borough northeast of Pittsburgh for 34 years. “It’s been quiet since that incident took place down the street.”

The “incident” was an ambush-style backyard shooting that left five adults, including a pregnant woman, dead on March 9, 2016... for more, visit here.
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